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Why Engines Overheat and Actions to Take If They Do

Why Engines Overheat and Actions to Take If They Do

When you own a vehicle, you know that it comes with the responsibility of making sure it is maintained regularly. But you also know the stress and inconvenience that it can cause should it break down. When your engine overheats or you experience an issue with your...
Eliminate Odors with AC Deodorizing Service

Eliminate Odors with AC Deodorizing Service

Imagine this: You hop in your vehicle on a really hot day, crank the air conditioning and whoa … what is that smell? There’s nothing more stifling than an odor coming out of your car’s air vents and blowing right into your face. And when you find out what might...
3 Ways to Get More Miles Out of Your Older Vehicle

3 Ways to Get More Miles Out of Your Older Vehicle

Driving around an older vehicle for days, months, and years can sometimes feel like a drag. Especially when your friend pulls in with a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. But have you taken a look at new car prices lately? Many new vehicles are selling for...