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The Quirky and Iconic Highway Nicknames of Phoenix, AZ

The Quirky and Iconic Highway Nicknames of Phoenix, AZ

Picture this … your friend has just recommended that you try out the best auto repair shop in Tempe the next time you need to schedule vehicle maintenance. Driving around the Phoenix area has you completely confused, however. The road names on your GPS are simply not...
Road Trip Safety Reminders For the Holidays!

Road Trip Safety Reminders For the Holidays!

Holiday travel typically leads to increased crashes. It is our hope that by sharing some important road trip safety tips, no matter how simple or obvious, we can help drivers to stay safe as they hit the roads now and in 2024. We may be an auto repair shop, and we may...
Why Are More Women Joining the Auto Repair Industry?

Why Are More Women Joining the Auto Repair Industry?

Just a decade ago, it wasn’t nearly as common to see women in the auto repair industry as it is today. But why are we seeing more female mechanics and women pursuing other automotive related careers? 9 Reasons Why There Are More Women in the Auto Repair Industry Now...